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Hartmannstrasse 6
52062 Aachen


Phone: +49 241 37675

opening times

Monday closed / Service at our customers' homes
Tuesday - Friday 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday 10 am - 4 pm

and as agreed upon


Our gallery is situated right in the middle of the historical centre of the Emperor City of Aachen. The Hartmannstraße runs parallel to the Elisengarten, connecting Aachen Cathedral to the Elisenbrunnen.

Due to the extensive construction works around Theaterplatz Aachen, you can reach us via Kleinmarschierstraße/Elisabethstraße. You can leave Hartmannstraße in the direction of Kapuzinergraben (see graphic). Further information can be found here.

You will find disabled parking spaces, a loading zone, some pay parking spaces as well as bicycle parking spaces along Hartmannstraße. The Jesuitenstraße multi-storey car park as well as the one in Wirichsbongardstraße are about a 5-minute walk away; we are happy to help you carry things if you do not want to drive up to us.

An interactive overview of the current traffic situation, free parking spaces, charging points for electric cars, bus timetables, roadworks etc. can be found at