Born: 1932 in Böhmisch-Leipa/Nordböhmen
Died: 2023 in Köln / Cologne
since 1998 member of the Munich Artists' Association
1969 resettlement in Cologne
Studies sculpture with Prof. Kolaczek
Studies painting and drawing with Prof. Forman
1952 Studies at the Academy of Arts in Prague
1949 Studies in Novy Bor at the Higher School of Glassmaking
Franz Josef Lipensky
Price: € 1.500,-
Type: original bronze sculpture
no. 2 of 15 exemplar
Franz Josef Lipensky
Size: height approx. 9.6 inches
Type: original bronze sculpture
No. 3 from an edition of 15 exemplar
Franz Josef Lipensky
For more information on the artist and to see more of her work, click here.
Price: € 1.900,-
Type: original bronze sculpture
No. 1 of 5 exemplar
Franz Josef Lipensky
Price: € 1.900,-
Type: original bronze sculpture
no. 7 of 25 exemplar