Fukuoka-Tokyo | Eine wichtige Reise 9.5, 2023

Winding roads in the mountainous hinterland of Fukuoka, rocky pass roads in the Tengu Highlands on Shikoku, dreamy fishing villages in Shizuoka Prefecture or fabulously beautiful mountain villages in the Japanese Alps near Yamanashi and Nagano: Gilliam has collected countless impressions and experiences on over 3000 kilometres of cycling through the country, which are now combined into individual compositions in thematic works.

福岡-東京 | 大切な旅 Fukuoka-Tokyo | The series is called An important journey and is a further step in the development of his artistic work.

Price:€ 1.200,-
Size:27 x 20 x 3 cm
Type:acrylic on wood

Winding roads in the mountainous hinterland of Fukuoka, rocky pass roads in the Tengu Highlands on Shikoku, dreamy fishing villages in Shizuoka Prefecture or fabulously beautiful mountain villages in the Japanese Alps near Yamanashi and Nagano: Gilliam has collected countless impressions and experiences on over 3000 kilometres of cycling through the country, which are now combined into individual compositions in thematic works.

福岡-東京 | 大切な旅 Fukuoka-Tokyo | The series is called An important journey and is a further step in the development of his artistic work.